Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
marine surveyor

Bunker Survey Tug Boat ENA LEGEND

Bunker Survey is a kind of Marine Survey for determination of fuel after received a bunker supply, Tug Boat ENA LEGEND On January 02-03, 2014  whilst she was lying afloat and berthed at jetty #1 SCN Port, Kabil, Batam, Indonesia for the purpose of conducting  “Bunker Supply on board Survey”.

The TB. ENA LEGEND has received bunker of grade MGO (Marine Gas Oil) on the January 03, 2014 located at Jetty #1 SCN Port, Kabil, Batam, Indonesia. 
Quantity of bunker supplied from the Supplier as per delivery order was 200,000 Liters observed.    Quantity bunker received on board TB. ENA LEGEND after bunkering completed based on fuel tanks gauging was 199,808 Liters observed 

§ Name of the Vessel                                :         ENA LEGEND
§ IMO No.                                                :   9368716
§ Port Of Registry                                    :         Singapore
§ Flag                                                       :   Singapore
§ Call Sign                                               :         9 V 6 8 3 5
§ Type of vessel                                       :         Towing Tug
§ Classification                                        :         Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
§ Built                                                      :         2005/Guanxi Guijiang Shipyard, China  
§ Dimension                                            :         L X B X H      : 33.70 m x 10.60 m x 4.96 m
§ Gross / Net Tonnage                            :         432/130
§ Owner                                                 :         Eastern Navigation Pte Ltd

Bunker Survey Tug Boat ENA LEGEND
Bunker Survey Tug Boat ENA LEGEND


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