Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
marine surveyor

Fosfa Procedures and Fosfa Qualifications for CPO

Fosfa Procedures and Fosfa Qualifications for CPO

Bagi Seorang Marine Surveyor Indonesia yang biasa mengerjakan pekerjaan jasa marine survey untuk muatan komoditas minyak sawit pasti sangat familiar dengan peraturan Fosfa terkait prosedur dan kualitas minyak sawit yang akan di muat ke kapal harus benar-benar mengikuti standar baku dari Fosfa Procedures and Fosfa Qualifications untuk minyak sawit mentah (CPO = Crude Palm Oil) tersebut, berikut kami salinkan berkas standar baku mutu dan prosedur dari Fosfa terkait muatan minyak sawit untuk loading ke kapal ataupun loading minyak sawit ke tongkang.

Fosfa Procedures and Fosfa Qualifications for CPO
Fosfa Procedures and Fosfa Qualifications for CPO



1. Classification
1.1 Ships shall be fully classed by a classification society in membership of the International
Association of Classification Societies.

2. Cargo Tanks and Cargo Handling Facilities
2.1 Copper and its alloys such as brass, bronze or gun metal shall not be used for any part
of the system installation and means of transport that has contact with the oils or fats.

2.2 Tanks
2.2.1 Tanks, other than those of stainless steel, shall be coated, with the exception of mild
steel tanks as specified in the FOSFA Operational Procedures. Only coatings suitable for
food grade products and for the carriage of the oils or fats shall be used. Zinc silicate
coated tanks shall not be used for crude oil unless the acid value is 1 or under.
2.2.2 No closed blisters or loose splits shall be allowed in a coated tank. If after initial cleaning
any blisters or loose splits are present they shall be opened by the ships staff to
determine whether any cargo residue remains behind. If residue found, tank to be
2.2.3 Mild steel exposure in coated tanks to be minimal with no loose scale.
2.2.4 Ships tanks which have been newly coated or fully re-coated, or stainless steel tanks that
have been cleaned and passivated under the supervision of a qualified independent
surveyor in a drydock/shipyard/repair facility where the ship must have spent a minimum
period of 7 consecutive days, shall be considered as new buildings. Cargoes carried prior
to the date of such coating or passivation shall not be considered as relevant. The
shipowner is required to provide the independent certification of such procedures and to
declare the three previous cargoes carried.

2.3 Heating Systems
2.3.1 Heating coils within tanks, and tubes and internal shell of heat exchangers shall be of
stainless steel construction only.
2.3.2 Heat transfer medium shall be fully described on the FOSFA Combined Masters

2.4 Cargo Handling Facilities
2.4.1 Cargo lines shall preferably be of stainless steel construction with sufficient drain valves.
2.4.2 All valves which may come into contact with oils or fats shall preferably be of stainless
steel construction.
2.4.3 Tank access/cleaning hatches to be staunch and tight with suitable packing and gaskets
compatible with the cargo.
FOSFA Qualifications/Operational Procedures – 1 September 2007
2.4.4 All internal structural members in tanks to be self-draining.

1. Compliance of Vessel Receiving Cargo
1.1 Ship shall comply with the requirements of the FOSFA Qualifications for ships engaged
in the carriage of oils and fats, in bulk.
1.2 Ship shall comply with the provisions of the FOSFA Operational Procedures for ships
engaged in the carriage of oils and fats, in bulk as applicable to the cargo and voyage
designated in these Operational Procedures, including:
a. Certification in the form of a FOSFA Certificate of Compliance, Cleanliness and
Suitability of Ship's Tank issued by a FOSFA Member Superintendent.
b. Certification in the form of a FOSFA Combined Masters Certificate signed by the
Captain/First Officer or an equivalent statement signed by the ship's owners or
authorised agent, applicable before any loading or cargo transfer.

2. Tank/Cargo History
Previous Cargoes by Vessel and Voyage Type
2.1 Ocean carriers: the immediate previous cargo in the tank shall not have been a product
appearing on the FOSFA List of Banned Immediate Previous Cargoes or shall have been
a product appearing on the FOSFA List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes (whichever is
appropriate) currently in force at the date of Bill of Lading.
2.2 Transhipment vessels receiving cargo for carriage to or from the ocean carrier: the
previous three cargoes in the tank shall have been products appearing on the FOSFA
List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes except that in segregated stainless steel tanks, lines
and pumps the immediate previous cargo for such tanks, lines and pumps shall be on the
FOSFA List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes, currently in force at the date of the Bill of
Lading, with the additional exception that transhipment vessels may have mild steel
tanks provided the previous three cargoes have been oils and fats for edible and oleochemical
use and/or molasses.
Note: Transhipment in this context is the physical transfer of oils and fats whether by
direct bord-a-bord transfer or via a direct shore pipeline, from one ship to another for the
purpose of pre-carrying to the ocean carrier at load-port or on-carrying from the ocean
carrier at a customary transhipment port in the area of destination under a through Bill of
2.3 Short sea voyage vessels (which are vessels used to carry oils and fats for edible and
oleo-chemical use for further processing from load port to final destination, provided the
distance does not exceed 2,000 nautical miles): vessels with mild steel tanks shall be
allowed provided the three previous cargoes have been oils and fats for edible and oleochemical
use and/or molasses.
2.4 In all cases the immediate previous cargo shall have been not less than 60 percent by
volume of the tank.
2.5 The Restrictions relating to previous cargoes beyond the Immediate Previous Cargo, as
set out in the FOSFA List of Banned Immediate Previous Cargoes and the FOSFA List of
Acceptable Previous Cargoes, shall apply.

3. Inspection and Certification
3.1 Prior to receiving cargo ship's tanks and related cargo handling systems should be fully
inspected for cleanliness by a FOSFA Member Superintendent in accordance with the
FOSFA Code of Practice for Member Superintendents, Part One. Inspections shall be
certified in the FOSFA Certificate of Compliance, Cleanliness and Suitability of Ship's
3.2 Before any loading of, or transhipment to the ocean carrier, a statement in the form of the
FOSFA Combined Masters Certificate shall be handed to the sellers/shippers or their
3.3 In the case of transhipment from the ocean carrier, a statement in the form of the FOSFA
Combined Masters Certificate shall be handed to the Bill of Lading holders or receivers
or their superintendents, before commencement of discharge at the port of final
3.4 In the event transhipment is arranged where no superintendent is present, a statement in
the form of the FOSFA Combined Masters Certificate, or an equivalent statement,
together with a certificate of cleanliness of ship's tank and related cargo handling
systems signed by the Captain/First Officer shall be handed to the Bill of Lading holders
or receivers or their superintendents, before commencement of discharge at the port of
final destination.
3.5 Transhipment shall only be allowed under a through Bill of Lading and shall be restricted to
the area of origin and/or customary transhipment ports in the area of destination, provided
that the transhipment at origin is completed within the original contract shipment period
and/or agreed extension period, except where transhipment takes place to protect the
Master's rights and the ship's obligations under Maritime Law.

4. Cargo Heating Instructions
In the absence of heating instructions from charterers, the FOSFA Heating Instructions
(A5 - A8) or the relevant PORAM Heating Instructions, whichever are applicable, shall be
followed and the temperature of the oil or fat shall be recorded daily. If required by
receivers, a chart signed by the Master or authorised agent shall be provided.

5. Operational Practices
5.1 Physical operations at loading and discharging shall be conducted in accordance with the
FOSFA Code of Practice for Member Superintendents, Part One.
5.2 Two samples shall be taken at the commencement of loading at origin -
a. a line sample at the deck of each cargo loaded; and
b. a first one-foot sample for each ship's tank loaded.
FOSFA Qualifications/Operational Procedures –1 September 2007
5.3 If cargo was loaded through shore hose directly into ship's tank/s (bypassing ship's lines),
the receivers at the discharge port to supply suitable pre-pumping containers. Ship shall
pre-pump ashore to ensure cargo lines are free of contamination. Pre-pumping shall only
be required when there is concern as to the immediate previous cargo. All pre-pumping
time to count as used laytime.
5.4 The lines and pumps system/s serving the oils and fats tank/s shall be dedicated to oils
and fats during the entire voyage. Oils and fats systems shall not be cross connected to
any other cargo system to ensure complete segregation.
5.5 Pumping from one tank to another on the same ship is not permitted except for the
requirements of safety, cargo worthiness and seaworthiness. Where pumping from one
tank to another takes place, the Master shall provide a statement certifying the cleanliness
of the ship's tank/s and related handling system and the three previous cargoes in the
tank/s to which the oil or fat is transferred and confirm the percentage by volume of the
immediate previous cargo in the tank/s and the reasons for the transfer, signed by himself
or authorised agent, to the Bill/s of Lading holders and/or receivers or their superintendents
at the port of destination before commencement of discharge.
5.6 Prior to discharge all additional handling systems such as hoses and deck manifolds shall
be inspected for cleanliness by a FOSFA Member Superintendent. At the commencement
of discharge, line samples shall be taken at the ship's permanent connection for each
cargo unloaded. Samples to be inspected for appearance and odour.

FOSFA Qualifications/Operational Procedures –1 September 2007

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